AL's Musings- Things the Muse likes
~reviews, guest blogs, author interviews, virtual tour stops, random ramblings ~
The Great Move
I have finally gotten through the great cross country move and am settling in to my new abode in sunny Florida. I grew up here, it took sooooo long to get back. Good bye cruel northern winters!!
So now I can get back to writing and finishing the book that should have been done 2 years ago!! Gah! Fixing up and selling a house and hauling all your junk thousands of miles takes longer than you think.
Annnnnd, I have so many other non-Trippers related stories to create too!!
Several new fantasy related ones and another steampunk fairytale.
Just need to stockpile some chocolate and coffee and I am back in business. Oh, stories, how I have missed you.
And hopefully I can get some new Author and other creatives interviews up for you to read too!
Try Some FREE Sample Chapters of my writing!

Light Romance ------------ SciFi/Adventure
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